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Corporate Governance Services

Corporate governance refers to a combination of laws, regulations, procedures, implicit rules, and voluntary practices which help companies to perform efficiently and maximize long-term value for shareholders and at the same time look after the interests of other stakeholders like buyers, government, and society at large, etc. Lenders whether national or international, also look for them for taking exposure in any corporate. It is a function of transparency and fairness in operations and making proper disclosures.


The company as a  business organization has become popular over the years.  With the growth in the size of these corporates, governance has become all the more important. SEBI and listing agreements of various stock exchanges require that the requirements of corporate governance are duly complied with. 


  Our services include  :  


  • Periodic monitoring through internal audit
  • Independent audit
  • Independent verification
  • Effective Supervision
  • Accountability
  • Sufficient number of Independent directors on the Board.
  • Formation of an independent audit committee for the board
  • Adequate disclosure and transparency in reports
  • Participation in board meetings.
News & Events
Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) Framework for Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
Small Value Loans – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
Bank Finance against Shares and Debentures - RBI
Domestic Money Transfer – Review of Framework
Master Directions on Fraud Risk Management in Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) (including Housing Finance Companies)
Master Directions on Fraud Risk Management in Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) / State Cooperative Banks (StCBs) / Central Cooperative Banks (CCBs)
Master Directions on Fraud Risk Management in Commercial Banks (including Regional Rural Banks) and All India Financial Institutions
Processing of refund applications filed by Canteen Stores Department (CSD).
Mechanism for refund of additional Integrated Tax (IGST) paid on account of upward revision in price of the goods subsequent to export.
Clarification on various issues pertaining to taxability and valuation of supply of services of providing corporate guarantee between related persons.
Guidelines for recovery of outstanding dues, in cases wherein first appeal has been disposed of
Remittances to International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)
Basel III Capital Regulations - Eligible Credit Rating Agencies (ECAI) - RBI
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